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Red Pump Elementary School spreads kindness
Red Pump Elementary School’s Spread the Kindness Campaign is led by ten students from the 5th grade class to raise awareness about bullying.
Chair of the committee Ella McGuire and team members Samantha Bianchi, Michaela Drehmer, Keira Loewe, Madeline Finnerty, Kailey Frounfelker, Phil Johnson, Ella Montgomery, Gia Rocca, and Kayla Welch provided leadership for this schoolwide effort to spread kindness and love.
Each class at Red Pump Elementary created a link with an act of kindness written on it that will be performed by the students. Together the links created a chain of kindness, and on Valentine’s Day, the links were displayed around the school as a symbol of love for one another. In the spring, the chain of links will be placed outside around the school as a visible sign of wrapping the school in kindness and love.
A picture of a Giving Tree, designed and created by the students, was also featured in the lobby with anti-bullying messages for people to see as they entered the school. This display coincided with the school’s Pennies for Patients operation in February, which is a program to collect loose change to raise money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s research.