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Citizen Advisory Committees

The Board of Education of Harford County seeks to review information, provide for systemic community input, study the budgetary and educational impact of programs and mandates on students and the school system, as well as to explore options on the issues and action-requests that come before the Board. To help to achieve these ends, the Board has established four citizen advisory committees as outlined below:

Career and Technology Education
Contact: Joseph Connolly 410-588-5244
Members of the Career and Technology Education Citizen Advisory Council serve as advisors, advocates, and reviewers for Career and Technology Education Programs, which prepare students for further education and careers in current and emerging professions. The Council solicits participation from individuals representing businesses in the ten Maryland Career Clusters.
Evaluate the adequacy of the Career and Technology Education programs being offered in all high schools in terms of meeting both student and workforce needs, investigate non-traditional funding sources to support CTE programs, and monitor the progression of apprenticeship/internship programs.

Family Life Education
Contact: Kilo Mack (410-588-5274)
This committee discusses and reviews the Family Life Education Curriculum and alignment to the MSDE comprehensive health education framework.
Review and comment on instructional materials for the Family Life and Human Sexuality Education program in grades 5 – 12, in relation to compliance with the State Standards for Comprehensive Health Education.

Gifted Education
Contact: Dr. Martha Barwick 410-809-6127
The Gifted Education Committee discusses and reviews the impact of the Gifted Education Program on higher student achievement.
Study the research surrounding giftedness and twice exceptionality (2E) and recommend ways to infuse best practices into the manner in which we service identified students.

Special Education
Contact: Colleen Sasdelli 410-588-5265
The Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee (SECAC) operates as a partnership between parents and families, community leaders and organizations, educators and HCPS leadership in support of the needs of children with disabilities. No application process is needed to participate on SECAC.
To explore the continuum of programs for students with disabilities in HCPS and make suggestions for enhancements, as appropriate.