A Message from Superintendent Bulson
As schools across the country confront the effects of COVID-19, I want to thank you, the parents
and guardians, our students, and our staff, for your patience, understanding, and flexibility as
we face this challenge together.
At this time, we have no formal announcement from State authorities about how much longer we
should expect to remain closed. HCPS is not equipped to deliver comprehensive online instruction
to our students. However, we continue to seek additional information about access to technology
for the households of our students and staff members. I want to thank you for the more than
20,000 responses we received to our digital survey for families and the over 2,500 responses we
received from staff as we look to the future of how instruction may be delivered in our school
system. The preliminary information we have learned from the responses is helping us better
understand the steps we will need to take in the event we stay closed beyond March 27. Please
submit your responses by 12:00 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, March 20, when the survey will officially
I also understand that future school-related dates and events are at the forefront of your
minds. I have received questions on everything from grades, to testing, to graduation credits
and other end-of-year events. As soon as we have greater clarity about when we will return to
school, I will ensure we communicate clear decisions about those events as quickly as possible.
I want to thank our food and nutrition department who has been preparing and distributing
breakfast, lunch, and dinner “to go” at sites throughout the county. If you are not able to
access a meal site or need additional assistance, I encourage you to call 2-1-1 or reach out to
the Harford Community Action Agency.
Please follow local health department and county government social media pages as well as the
site for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the latest guidance. We will
continue to provide new information about Harford County Public Schools via our website, social
media channels, and of course, through this channel.
I look forward to speaking with you again next week and I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Thank you,
Sean Bulson, Ed.D
Harford County Public Schools